The BIP program brings sustainable solutions

The intensive program of Turistica brings sustainable solutions

At Turistica, in May, we successfully carried out the first guest edition of the Erasmus+ blended intensive program (BIP) of the University of Primorska. The program took place between May 4th and May 11th, 2024, in the Karst rural municipality of Miren-Kostanjevica, with the focal point in the village Temnica. A week full of educational activities, ideas, networking, laughter, and inspiration was very intense, and the results will undoubtedly resonate for a long time.

28 undergraduate and postgraduate students and professors from three countries participated in the program: Portugal (Universidade Lusófona - Centro Universitário Lisboa), Germany (Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences), and Slovenia (UP FTŠ Turistica). Students attended the newly designed course "Sustainable tourism entrepreneurship and digital innovation" both in the field and remotely, earning 3 credit points.

The rural environment was chosen on purpose for the program implementation. Organizers aimed for students to gain a closer understanding of the developmental dynamics of rural tourism, focusing on the successful tourist destination of Miren Kras. Such areas are highly specific, entwined with challenges and opportunities, serving as excellent laboratories for the development of environmental and social sustainable approaches. In addition to learning, students contributed to the local development and revitalization with their knowledge, international experiences, perspectives, and innovative approaches.

Within the fieldwork component of the program, there were 9 internal and guest lectures, 8 visits to and observations of best practice examples, as well as numerous social events and activities where local residents played a crucial role. Organizers included the majority of local restaurateurs (6) in the daily program, which was essential for understanding the diversity of local gastronomy and hospitality, ensuring a balanced and fair economic impact. The second half of the week was dedicated to a hackathon - an entrepreneurial competition, where seven international student groups tackled various local challenges. The winning group presented an innovative solution addressing the issue of the lack of tourist accommodations in the municipality.

Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programs (BIPs) are programs that utilize innovative methods of learning and teaching. The key aims and objectives of the program carried out by Turistica were not only achieved but arguably surpassed: (1) Students left the destination enriched with new international experiences and insights from the field, the environment, or the destination of Miren-Kras, which has been ranked among the TOP 100 most sustainable destinations in the world for 5 consecutive years, and (2) participants infused the destination with energy, activities, different or alternative developmental perspectives, knowledge, and much more. We certainly made a mark on the community, which is still being talked about. Most of the mentioned activities were open to the local public. Throughout the event, we managed to activate and engage more than 100 local residents and providers.

The responses from the participants are exceptional:

Responses from foreign students (summarizing the original responses in English):

-       Amazing organisation and outstanding hospitality! Lessons were really on point, diverse and interesting.

-       Crazy how much work you put in everything, I think everyone was very impressed!

-       The availability of the people who organised this BIP were awesome, they were wonderful and created a lot of different and amazing experiences.

-       I write with great pride, praising how friendly they were to everyone and the choice of different activities daily. I liked the way it was practised with lightness and love.

Responses from foreign professors (summarizing the original responses in English):

-       Amazing organisation of the in-person part of the course in the Karst region in Slovenia by Tadej Rogelja, Dejan Krizaj, Bor Pahor and other dedicated and efficient Slovenian students who took care of every aspect of our experience there, from the classes and varied field trips, to the transport, icebreakers and social activities. All connected to the central theme of the BIP.

-       University of Primorska, Faculty of Tourism Studies - Turistica was immediately willing to take on the lead. The hospitality, the kindness, the intensive and varied programme and last but not least the high level of professionalism of our Slovenian hosts were outstanding! Colleagues, you did an amazing job!