Student Mobility

UP FTŠ Turistica actively promotes and implements Erasmus+ mobilities. Erasmus+ is a European Union programme addressing international cooperation in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. The Erasmus+ programme aims to improve the quality of education and training, thereby strengthening social cohesion and the competitiveness of the Union's economy.

Erasmus+ aims to enable as many individuals as possible to participate, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and emphasises inclusion, environmental protection (Green Erasmus+) and the transition to a digital society as key themes and activities.

Erasmus+ supports the physical and hybrid mobility of students in higher education in all fields of study and in all cycles of study (Bachelor, Master and Doctorate).

Students can study abroad at a partner's higher education institution or complete a traineeship in a company, research institute, laboratory, organisation or other relevant workplace abroad. In addition, they can combine the study abroad period with an internship to further enhance their learning outcomes and cross-cutting skills development.

UP FTŠ has Erasmus+ partners in almost the entire EU and beyond. You can find out which ones here: link to the map. 

Not only students but also employees go on the exchange within Erasmus+ programme.

The project (MOBILNI UP 2018-2021) is currently being implemented at the University of Primorska. In frame of the "Mobile UP 2018-2021" operation, it is expected that 24 higher education teachers and UP associates will participate in several-months-long mobilities at foreign higher education institutions in the years from 2018 to 2021. By carrying out pedagogical, research, and other activities, they will contribute to greater openness of the UP and the development of a quality and internationally comparable higher education system.

ERASMUS E-BOOK: You are kindly invited to read the e-book produced by ESN International (Erasmus Student Network) - Erasmus: A complete guide


The University of Primorska (UP) embraces knowledge as its greatest and common value. We are aware of the world in which we operate and see an opportunity to make knowledge work for everyone.