Senate of UP FTŠ Turistice for the term of office 2021 - 2025
assoc. prof. Emil Juvan, PhD Australia assoc. prof. Marko Kukanja assoc. prof. Metod Šuligoj assist. prof. Simon Kerma assist. prof. Aleš Gačnik prof. Maja Uran Maravić prof. Ksenija Vodeb Tjaša Hajnžič, Student Žan Seušek, Student
Academic Assembly
Dr. Igor Jurinčič, President The composition of the Academic Assembly is compliant with the Rules of UP FTŠ Turistica.
Senate Committees
Habilitation Committee Committee for scientific research Committee for Study Affairs 1st Level Committee for Study Affairs 2nd and 3rd Level Committee for Student Affairs Committee for Quality and Assessment Committee for the Recognition of Knowledge and Skills Committee for International Affairs Committee for Recognition of Foreign Education
The Student Council of UP FTŠ Turistica
Current structure:
Tjaša Hajnžič, President Žan Seušek, Vice-President Ana Bujošević, Secretary Blagica Atanasova Peter Kopić Jakob Mlakar Milena Ninković Teodora Ninković Ana Šenk Marcel Zidanšek