Info Days 2025

Open Days 2025

Study of tourism in a coastal tourist destination at a faculty with a tradition of knowledge, offering programs at three levels of study and integrated into the international environment. Come and get to know Turistica and the study environment in Portorož – your new window to the world!

SLIDER Save the date for the upcoming 2025 orientation days

Orientation Days 2025

Save the date for the upcoming 2025 orientation days: 13 – 15 FEBRUARY 2025. Orientation Days are the perfect opportunity to make sure that you are prepared for the next academic year and familiar with the basics of student life and life on the Slovene coast. It is also the best way to make new friends and create a strong connection with your fellow students.

Razpis za vpis v dodiplomske študijske programe v študijskem letu 2025/2026 SLIDER

Call for Enrolment 2025/2026

In the framework of the Call for Enrolment in undergraduate and unified master's study programmes in the academic year 2025/2026, the University of Primorska announces the following free enrolment places for 30 undergraduate study programmes.

UP FTŠ Turistica obeležila 30. obletnico delovanja SLIDER

Turistica celebrates its 30th anniversary

Turistica celebrated its 30th anniversary on 30 January 2025 at the Faculty's premises. The exhibition "TURISTICA - 30 years of the past for the tourism of the future" was followed by a discussion on the role of education in shaping responsible tourism and a very important event, the establishment of the Partnership for the Promotion of Careers in Tourism with the signing of the manifesto "Tourism is an Opportunity!".

Ponudba predmetov T4EU "Bachelor Tracks" SLIDER


T4EU "BACHELOR TRACKS" 2024/2025 spring offer published, registrations are now open.

Zakaj študirati turizem na Turistici

Why Study Tourism at UP FTŠ Turistica?

5 reasons to study tourism at Turistica








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