7th UNESCO UNITWIN Conference 2022: World Heritage and Tourism Innovation

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  • 7th UNESCO UNITWIN Conference 2022: World Heritage and Tourism Innovation

As travel is gradually regaining momentum, the UNESCO UNITWIN Network »Culture, Tourism and Development« and its member University of Primorska are pleased to announce that the Network's seventh biennial conference will be held in person in Portorož, Slovenia:


7th UNESCO UNITWIN Conference 2022: World Heritage and Tourism Innovation



Recently, both tourism and World Heritage sites have experienced dramatic changes in their environmental, technological, economic and social conditions. These new challenges call for new perspectives, new strategies and new solutions for more resilient and sustainable tourism in World Heritage sites.

The conference will feature academic papers as well as a series of selected panel discussions, PhD workshops and online satellite events on topical issues related to the 3 main themes:

- World Heritage Sites in a Changing World

- Innovation in Tourism

- Sustainable Development Goals

Open abstract submission and registration is due January 15, 2022.

The conference website: unitwin2022.turistica.si is available including information regarding submission guidelines, programme, destination information and fees.